
WATCH: Interview with Leonid Parfenov

I spoke with celebrated filmmaker Leonid Parfenov for his popular video log, Parthenon, about our new production of Ivan Denisovich at the Bolshoi. That segment begins at 12’06. If the link below does not work for you, please go directly here.

"Парфенон" - про то, что со мной было за это время, что видел, про что думал, что почему-то вспомнилось. Разговоры под вино недели, выбранное в соответствии с обстоятельствами - потому "18". Подписывайтесь на канал!

Preview: Solzhenitsyn's son back in Russia with opera for centenary

Agence France-Presse (AFP) preview of my new production première of Ivan Denisovich at the Bolshoi.

He dismissed the idea that Russia and the West were in a new Cold War.

”When I hear people say, ‘Things are back to how they were’, that’s lunacy. It’s real lunacy to say that, it’s silly to say that or it’s completely dishonest.”

If relations between Moscow and Washington are strained, Ignat hopes they can be improved in the near future and “absolutely” believes that culture has a part to play in this.

”Even in Soviet times, culture was the Soviet Union’s finest export. We know what Russia is capable of and what kind of talent there is here. Theatre, the arts, remind us of what we all have in common.”

Solzhenitsyn Centennial Commemorations

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With the 100th anniversary of my father’s birth around the corner (11 December), and many new editions of his works continuing to come out in Russian, French, English, and many other languages, the folks at the Solzhenitsyn Center have compiled a partial list of the key events taking place this month and next. Here is a sampling:

20 August – 13 December 2018
Notre Dame, Indiana—University of Notre Dame
Exhibit—In Solzhenitsyn’s Circle: The Writer and His Invisible Allies

5 November 2018
Washington, DC—Library of Congress
Book launch of Between Two Millstones, Book 1

19 November 2018
New York, New York—92nd Street Y
Ignat Solzhenitsyn speaks/reads/lectures/performs: “Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at 100” 

19-21 November 2018
Paris, France—Institut de France and Sorbonne
International conference and exhibit of Solzhenitsyn’s manuscripts

7-9 November 2018
Moscow, Russia—Bolshoi Theatre
Alexander Tchaikovsky opera “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”
New production première—artistic director and conductor Ignat Solzhenitsyn

11 December 2018, evening
Moscow, Russia—Moscow Art Theatre
“Your A. Solzhenitsyn”
A special production in honor of Solzhenitsyn’s 100th birthday
Starring Evgeni Mironov

14 December 2018
Moscow, Russia—Tverskaya street, 12, building 8
Grand Opening of Solzhenitsyn Apartment-Museum

16 December 2018
Moscow, Russia—Moscow International Performing Arts Centre
Concert—Vladimir Spivakov, conductor; Ignat Solzhenitsyn, piano

Preview: Recital & Reading at the Y

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This coming Monday I will present an intimate evening of music featured in and inspired by my father's writings, along with excerpts from his poetry, in honor of the centenary of his birth (coming up on 11 December). 

The program includes piano works by Beethoven and Shostakovich, personal reflections, and a selection of Solzhenitsyn's compelling poems, some of which will be heard in English for the very first time in my new translations (see excerpt below).

This event takes place at the 92nd Street Y in New York City on Monday, 19 November 2018 at 7.30pm. Details and ticket information is available on the 92nd Street Y website

Do not believe it, it’s not done!—I know, I wait,
Yet I am helpless to prise open eyelids weighed with sleep.
Just barely we doze off—the bell!! And in the dazzling moonlight’s majesty
We come outside in comic capes—our blankets’ formless heap.
We come out boiling, come out cursing one and all,
The very stars above do pity, warmth, and dark embargo—
When of a sudden, from a speaker, weeping,
There faintly wafts toward us a dour Beethoven largo.
I give a start as soon as its tones reach me,
I turn my grizzled, coarsened face to meet that sound—
Oh who, oh when will learn about all this
And staunchly write it down?
— From the prologue ("Inception") to the epic poem The Trail (1947-53). Not yet published in English. New translation by Ignat Solzhenitsyn

Preview: Shostakovich at Marlboro

Tomorrow night, at the Marlboro Festival, I will perform, together with the wonderful bass-baritone Simon Barrad, the extraordinary Suite on Verses by Michelangelo Buonarotti, Op. 145 (the composer insisted it was a suite, not a cycle) by Dmitri Shostakovich. The music is absolutely top-notch—arresting, haunting, shattering, and just so very beautiful. But the great poetry of Michelangelo deserves equal billing. Here is the text of the final verse (No. 11), in the original Italian, then in the Shostakovich setting (as translated by Abram Efros) and finally in Simon Barrad’s English translation.

Qui vuol mie sorte c'anzi tempo i' dorma,

né son già morto: e ben c'albergo cangi,

resto in te vivo, c'or mi vedi e piangi,

se l'un nell'altro amante si trasforma.

Qui son morto creduto; e per conforto

del mondo vissi, e con mille alme in seno

di veri amanti; adunche a venir meno,

per tormen' una sola non son morto.

Здесь рок послал безвременный мне сон,

Но я не мёртв, хоть и опущен в землю:

Я жив в тебе, чьим сетованьям внемлю,

Затем, что в друге друг отображён.

Я словно б мёртв, но миру в утешенье

Я тысячами душ живу в сердцах

Всех любящих, и, значит, я не прах,

И смертное меня не тронет тленье.

Here fate has sent me an untimely dream,

But I’m not dead, though lowered into the earth:

I am alive in you, to whose laments I hearken,

Because we are reflected in each other.

I am as dead, but, in consolation to the world,

I live in the hearts of thousands of souls,

Of all those who love—and therefore I’m not dust,

And mortal decay will not touch me.