Solzhenitsyn Centennial Commemorations — Ignat Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn Centennial Commemorations

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With the 100th anniversary of my father’s birth around the corner (11 December), and many new editions of his works continuing to come out in Russian, French, English, and many other languages, the folks at the Solzhenitsyn Center have compiled a partial list of the key events taking place this month and next. Here is a sampling:

20 August – 13 December 2018
Notre Dame, Indiana—University of Notre Dame
Exhibit—In Solzhenitsyn’s Circle: The Writer and His Invisible Allies

5 November 2018
Washington, DC—Library of Congress
Book launch of Between Two Millstones, Book 1

19 November 2018
New York, New York—92nd Street Y
Ignat Solzhenitsyn speaks/reads/lectures/performs: “Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at 100” 

19-21 November 2018
Paris, France—Institut de France and Sorbonne
International conference and exhibit of Solzhenitsyn’s manuscripts

7-9 November 2018
Moscow, Russia—Bolshoi Theatre
Alexander Tchaikovsky opera “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”
New production première—artistic director and conductor Ignat Solzhenitsyn

11 December 2018, evening
Moscow, Russia—Moscow Art Theatre
“Your A. Solzhenitsyn”
A special production in honor of Solzhenitsyn’s 100th birthday
Starring Evgeni Mironov

14 December 2018
Moscow, Russia—Tverskaya street, 12, building 8
Grand Opening of Solzhenitsyn Apartment-Museum

16 December 2018
Moscow, Russia—Moscow International Performing Arts Centre
Concert—Vladimir Spivakov, conductor; Ignat Solzhenitsyn, piano