Linsanity Everywhere — Ignat Solzhenitsyn

Linsanity Everywhere

the transcendent Jeremy Lin

the transcendent Jeremy Lin

If you live in New York City, and especially if you are a long-suffering Knicks fan like myself, you can’t turn on the radio or ride the subway or even walk out your door without hearing everyone talk about the sensational Jeremy Lin.  This undrafted kid out of Harvard (Harvard alums who have served as President of the United States: eight; Harvard alums who have played in the National Basketball Association: four) has taken the basketball world by storm, materializing seemingly out of thin air and becoming the first player ever to score at least 20 points and dish out 6 assists in his first six NBA starts, in leading my beloved Knicks back to… well, at least back from the brink.  It’s truly an amazing tale.  If you are interested, check out this cover story from Sports Illustrated, or, for real aficionados, the ever-entertaining Bill Simmons.