In advance of tonight’s performance of Firebird and Franck with the Yale Philharmonia, here is a Yale News preview, as well as a video teaser.
Preview: La Clemenza di Tito in Moscow
I am back at the Moscow Chamber Opera for more performances of La Clemenza di Tito. Our new production was favourably received in March.
Preview: Recital tonight at Mariinsky Theatre
Tonight at the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theatre I perform Shostakovich and Schubert. For more info, go here.
Preview: Tolstoy and Beethoven in New York
Preview of my Tolstoy/Beethoven program in NYC.
Preview: Beethoven and Brahms in Manchester
Preview in the Manchester Journal of next week's concert at the Manchester Music Festival.
Preview: Shostakovich at the LA Chamber Orchestra
Preview of tonight’s performance in Los Angeles.
Вот вчерашняя беседа о предстоящей премьере “Милосердия Тита” с Юлианом Макаровым в его программе "Главная роль". Наши предыдущие беседы можно посмотреть здесь, здесь и здесь.
Preview: December Evenings Festival
Returning to the great December Evenings with a recital tonight.
Preview: Solzhenitsyn explores 'creative journey' at festival
Another preview of Lake Champlain next week.
““I think that each person has ideas or aspects or circumstances, if you will, in his art that he gravitates to at an early age,” Ignat Solzhenitsyn said last week in a phone conversation from New York City. “Perhaps they keep coming back to the same methods with different tools and see if they can probe deeper or that much more effectively.””
Preview: Beyond their fences
A preview of my appearances next week at the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival.