Latest — Ignat Solzhenitsyn

Review: Shostakovich and Schubert

Jim Lowe reviews my Shostakovich and Schubert from Brattleboro last week.

Ignat Solzhenitsyn returned to his roots last Saturday, performing a masterful solo piano recital at the Brattleboro Music Center in honor of his beginnings… Solzhenitsyn proved a master pianist and musician of depth in his recital at the BMC’s new concert hall, in works of Franz Schubert and Dmitri Shostakovich. His brilliant performance of Schubert’s monumental Sonata in B-flat was very personal; idiosyncratic perhaps, but a powerful experience…Solzhenitsyn’s was a masterful recital by a master… Today, Solzhenitsyn is one of America’s important pianists and conductors.