Latest — Ignat Solzhenitsyn

Waiting for Superman

Saw a documentary that left me sad and angry.  We in the music world are always carrying on about our mission to bring music (and especially music education) to the disadvantaged, to minorities, to those not otherwise exposed, etc.  Well, why aren't they exposed?

The Enigmatic Fifteen

A welcome addition to the growing body of English-language Shostakovich studies, and a much-needed "apologia" for a cycle of works whose true greatness continues to elude too many music-lovers—and musicians—in the West.

1911 or 1947?

About several Stravinsky works, conductors and connoisseurs alike love to debate, Which version?  In the dramatic case of Petrushka, the differences between the original 1911 version and its 1947 revision are particularly stark.  

Elusive Nexus

Too much concentration, and you are rigid, even paralysed.  Too much relaxation, and you’re lucky to remember what composer you are performing, let alone whether the dynamic at this moment is piano or pianissimo.